Monday 27 April 2009

Huanchaco & the BBQ.

Today, 12 of us spent 65 Soles (about 15 pounds) on a tour of the Chan Chan Pre-Incan remains, but they've been extensively restored - so it all looks a bit fake! The guide was semi-interesting but she was one of the original archeologists on the site, and talked far far too much and went into too much detail to maintain interest. However, it was here that I realised that the Incans only conquered South America in the 14th Century, then the Spanish arrived in the 15th - I'd previously thought it was several thousand years previously that the Incans lived.

We stopped for lunch on the way to some much more impressive ruins, where I had some traditional baby goat (Cabrito), while some of the others had wild duck (Pato), a speciality of the region. The goat was ok;there wasn't a lot of meat but it tasted good, and was so tender.

We continued on to Huaca de la Luna; two pyramids containg impressive carvings and detailed paintings that have been preserved for hundreds of years.

That evening, I made the BBQ for Lia's birthday that we were supposed to have yesterday. Silvana made Peruvian Beef Heart kebabs (excellent, but noone liked them apart from Silvana and I), while we also had corn on the cob, sweet chilli chicken thighs (although I ran out of the homemade sweet chilli), garlic prawns (not garlicky enough!), beef ribs, and fish en papillote (No idea what fish it was, but steamed it with chilli, ginger and lime - not enough chilli, lime or seasoning!)

Everyone seemed happy enough anyway though, despite my low opinion of the food, although when I made chocolate stuffed bananas on the remaining embers, everyone loved it. We were also drinking well, Silvana making delicious Pisco Sour (Pisco is a distilled wine from the region, and is mixed with lime juice, sugar syrup and ice - similar to a Caipirinha.), as well as the girls knocking up three different punches, each to their own "recipe".

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