Wednesday 13 May 2009

Cuzco with a Hangover

I was woken at 11.45 by housekeeping with the worst hangover of the trip so far. I walked with Mick, Clare and Richard down to a little cafe where I picked up a Chicken Sandwich and a coke, which worked wonders but I still felt pretty horrific, unsurprisingly! I spent several hours online, before meeting up with everyone else at 4.45 to go to "The Coca Shop" - apparently the best coca tea in South America - I´m sure that´s not wrong! The tea was excellent, halfway between strong black twa nad the best Japanese green tea i´ve ever tried - and it did wonders for my persistent hangover.
The owner of the Coca Shop then told us about the properties of Coca and it´s past, as well as how it is (barely) linked to crack cocaine and white cocaine. Natural cocaine, which used to be found in CocaCola, is merely a sedative/muscle relaxant and is widely used in painkillers such as Novocaine.

After a quick shower in the hostel, we headed to Aldea Yanapay, a restaurant run by a children´s charity. The dining room in fact doubled as a playroom during the day, and was decorated accordingly - very surreal. Nevertheless, the food was delicious. I stuck into the buttery garlic bread while we waited for the food to arrive; I had a huge bowl of homemade nachos with juicy tomato chunks, crispy bacon, loads of cheese and a massive amount of freshly made guacamole, before my main course arrived! I had ordered Lasaña Boloñesa and it was good, although probably not the best lasagne I´d ever had.

I couldn´t manage any dessert, and headed straight back to the hostel - I was exhausted once again!

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